Case Studies, Projects, References

Case Study: Handmade Video Marketing

As one of my last projects at Frosch Sportreisen I had the mission to further develop and improve video marketing. The intention was to integrate video content into multi channel communication in a better manner and to become a proper pillar of corporate communication. Results were an increase of 85 % in channel impressions and of 75 % in watch time. All that with a budget of a few hundred Euros.

Case Study: Germanys biggest scavenger hunt

Community, friendly togetherness, sport as a social event - that is what the brand Frosch Sportreisen stands for. A brand core which cannot be fully experienced until being transported to "real life", which cannot be reduced to online communication. With "Germanys biggest scavenger hunt" we succeeded in making the brand experienced on live events under covid restrictions - whilst combining it with virtual omnichannel communication.

Marketing consulting in food retailing

Marketing in food retailing and especially for small businesses is an adventure on its own. Since autumn 2020 I may accompany Der Weingarten, a small wine store in my hometown, in marketing issues. An interesting example for how marketing works on a small scale and what happens if theory meets practice.

Successfully gaining back frequent buyers

Frequent buyers are precious. But what to do if they don't buy anymore? With great success and little effort we at FROSCH gain customers back, we thought to be lost.


Communication & PR

My way to marketing led across PR. Therefore good communication to me is an important part of successful marketing - especially if it is made multi-channel and thought in all directions.

eCommerce & Online Marketing

Many years of online direct sales shape my work. But also those in stationary commerce or b2b can be more visible and closer to their customer by using online channels as social media and search engine optimization (SEO).

Data Analysis & Individualization

Digitalization makes it possible: Every company is sitting on a pile of precious data. Those who analyze target-oriented and who ask the right questions can optimize their business sustainably and build a basis to address customers individually.
For example like this (german article).

Customer Relationship & Retention (CRM)

Successful brands accompany customers as long as possible. Which does for sure not mean the unused customer club card in the wallet. The aim is to recognize and address the customers desire.
Creating sustainable customer relationship and filling it with purpose, that is the art.

Consulting & Strategy

Where do we stand, where do we go - and why at all? Right at the beginning of successful marketing we have to ask the right questions. By honest handling of the answers and consistent inclusion of the results in all decision we build a stable basis for all what comes up.

Education & Speech

As a lecturer I teach students the basics of marketing. As a speaker I realize insights into exciting business cases.
Contact me if interested.

My Vita

Learn more about my occupations and experiences.

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